Nature & wellbeing in NZ – case study ideas please
As you may have seen from an earlier post The connection between nature & wellbeing, I am interested in exploring the connection between nature and wellbeing as the subject of my next book. In that earlier post, I asked for help finding existing literature on the topic, particularly in the New Zealand context. And I got some super-helpful responses, so thank you so much to everyone who responded!
The great news is that I have now secured funding for the research component of the project, which is very exciting!
So if anyone has any ideas for case studies for the book, please be in touch.
These can be anywhere in New Zealand, individual or group, private property or reserve/public land, where the project or activity has had unanticipated (or perhaps anticipated) benefits for the wellbeing (mental, spiritual, physical) for those involved, and perhaps also the wider community. I am particularly interested in stories in urban areas, involving people who might not necessarily be able to access our regional and national park network for tramping and other recreation – whether due to age, illness, lack of income or leisure time, etc.
I look forward to hearing from you.