"Ravaged Beauty" wins prestigious Sherrard Award
Last week I learned that my first book, Ravaged Beauty: An environmental history of the Manawatu, has won the major award (sole winner)...
Geomentality: seeing the world in different ways
Recently I attended a hui to discuss landscape assessment in New Zealand. The discussion turned to the view of "landscape" from a te ao...
The narrowing 'margin for environmental miscalculation'
I feel compelled to share more gleanings from Lynton Caldwell - I am simply astounded by how strongly his ruminations still resonate...
'Public interest' = political power?
I have been reading an article by American professor of government, Lynton Caldwell. The article, published in 1963, is thought to be the...
Is the world as it appears... or not really?
Keeping with the 'word of the day' theme, this one is a blinder. verisimilitude I encountered this one in Rebecca Solnit's A field guide...
Salmon farm 'frippery'
Further to my 'very loose' word of the day series (see also The joy of words - an anodyne kitten and Fancy an inkle anyone?), I was...