Are high food prices a symptom of something much bigger?
In this article, second in a series published on Newsroom, I argue that if we believe the cost of living crisis is more than a momentary...

Energy descent will shape our future - our choices now will determine whether it's a liveable future
Our current economy and way of life is built on a one-off windfall of energy-dense fossil fuels. While this will not run out any time...

Why renewable energy is not going to save the planet (but what might)
This is the article that kicked off a series of articles I have published in mainstream media this year on themes of degrowth, this one...

A post-growth future: the pathway away from environmental collapse
The burning of fossil fuels and destruction of ecosystems through the extraction of resources has led to the precipice of a catastrophe....

To build true resilience we must localise and refocus on what matters
My latest piece on Newsroom reflects on the devastating impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle and the North Island floods and argues that...

Why cities are key to the future
I believe cities are the key to the future. A bit controversial maybe - and no doubt many will disagree with me - but let me tell you...

The bleak realisation of failure - parenthood in the face of a climate-disrupted future
I have made a bleak realisation. I am a failure. I have failed at the single most important role in my life – to safeguard the future for...

Protecting our future: do we need to fundamentally re-evaluate the way we live our lives?
Is it time we re-evaluated our obsession with perpetual growth and shifted our focus to building a society that puts human wellbeing at...

Can we really have it all? Economic growth, social wellbeing & environmental protection
It is rare these days to hear anyone say, ‘We want more growth, and if that means destroying the environment, well, that’s the price we...

How can we achieve better wellbeing through engagement with nature?
Recently I was approached by the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment to contribute to this video seeking to showcase how nature...