Beyond Growth Aotearoa Conference 2023 - recordings now available!
The session recordings for the recent Beyond Growth Aotearoa conference, held at Victoria University of Wellington are now available and...

Which way to the future? The economics of sufficiency or more recycling and EVs?
This week I chatted with journalists Bernard Hickey and Cathrine Dyer about the economics of sufficiency on The Kaka. We covered a lot of...

Sufficiency and the pathway to a post-growth economy - recording available
In August I presented a seminar, hosted by Massey University, on what I believe to be the single most important issue we face today. That...

Upcoming webinar: Pathway to a post-growth economy
It is my pleasure and privilege to be presenting this upcoming seminar hosted by the School of People and Environment, Massey University....

The transition to an ‘economy of enough’
My latest article on Newsroom asks what if we made sufficiency a central guiding principal of our economy, as countries such as France...